Lookbook v1.0.8

Deploying to Production

Lookbook is intended to be a tool for aiding the ViewComponent development process, and so is usually restricted to running only when the app is in development mode.

However, it is possible to run Lookbook in a production environment if you wish.

Please note! If you choose to run Lookbook in production, you do so at your own risk. It is primarily intended as a development tool and has not yet been thoroughly battle-tested in production environments.

Differences between development and production

Since v1.0.7 the only major difference between development and production is that watching files for changes is disabled by default.

Lookbook no longer saves the parser results registry to the filesystem so a pre-parsing step is no longer required and the lookbook:previews:preparse Rake task has been deprecated.

Configuration changes for production

You will need to make sure that the following configuration changes have been made when deploying to production:

Ensure ViewComponent is configured to show previews in production (by default it is disabled when not in development):

# config/environments/production.rb
config.view_component.show_previews = true

Remove any environment checking from around the Lookbook mounting declaration (if added as per install instructions):

# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # if Rails.env.development? <- remove
    mount Lookbook::Engine, at: "/lookbook"
  # end

Differences between development and production (pre-v1.0.7)

  1. Watching files for changes is disabled
  2. Parsing preview files for annotations does not happen at automatically at runtime. Instead the preview files must be pre-parsed via a Rake task before starting the app (much like asset precompilation).

Pre-parsing preview files

Run the following command to pre-parse the preview files annotations:

rake lookbook:previews:preparse

If you wish to run this as part of your existing assets precompilation step, you can add the following into your app’s Rakefile:

if Rails.env.production?
  Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance do

The pre-parsing of preview files will then take place every time rake assets:precompile is called and so will not need to be run separately.